Friday, July 10, 2009

Another Whittney Houston..??

While watching "Lady Sings the Blues" I was hating it, but loving it at the same time. Billy Holiday had not always lived the glamor lifestyle that she was living at an older age, but rather as dirt to some. She worked as a cleaning girl in multiple houses to pay rent and board...she later moved to Harlem where she started out cleaning for a woman and then becoming apart of the brothel ..if you know what I mean. She had a hard life, but a big dream of a singing career. Her singing career took off from a small club in Harlem where she realized that dancing would not get her anywhere, but singing would. She became more and more famous over the years for her talent, but this lead to a bad herion addiction. She was slowly going down hill and struggling to to what she truly wanted to do ...sing. She later went on tour with a small band hoping to make it big with Miss Billy Holiday along. The addiction continued to get worse and worse till finally she passed out on stage while performing.

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