Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Modern Pirates....arrr...maties

I will begin by mentioning that while reading the story on the piracy of modern media, I had a neutral view on "sharing music and movies". I won't lie and say that I haven't "shared" a few songs in my day along with the majority of Americans or at least teens. I felt that the writer made good points that Piracy of this media is wrong, but at the same time never really proved that it was exactly wrong in every way. He seemed to say that some things are okay and other ways are bad. Some ways of this "piracy" he considered good. I personally could not make since of the story and wither or not he was against it or for it. I still have the same neutral view on the subject as before because this subject contains way to much grey area. Personally I think that most people would consider it wrong, but at the same time still do it because it is a lot easier to "share" music than buy it. Its kind of like drinking..not everyone does it and some do it a little and that's okay to do it a little, but one must not get drunk..but people still do it anyways. You are not supposed to speed, but if a cop is not anywhere near by people go crazy and the second one drives by everyone slams on there brakes. From the looks of things rules were made to apparently be broken. And the whole thing about China getting CDs at 50 cents or so..thats pathetic. So if record companies want to sell cheaper to other countries rather than in America..I say "share" all day. Now don't get me wrong it is wrong to take a type of media and burn it and sell it to others as yours, but "shareing" media files I see nothing wrong with it...especially when we the people of America are getting ripped off anyways. So go buy one CD and then you can download many others to make up the price difference. So I say share share share.

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